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Excerpted from the Odenton Town Center Master Plan, December 2009

Odenton was originally designated as an official town center by Anne Arundel County in 1968 along with Glen Burnie and Parole. Planning for the Odenton Town Center began with the 1972 Odenton Plan. That plan envisioned channeling growth in the county to the Odenton area, and defined the area around Odenton as the Town Center and established the goal of creating an attractive, livable, and economically viable town center.

In May 1995, the Anne Arundel County Council adopted the Odenton Town Center Growth Management Area Plan. An oversight committee was also formed in 1995. The committee produced an update to the Plan in 1999, which reviewed progress towards the plan’s goals and outlined a series of “Next Steps” to be taken.

In 2001, the oversight committee, in conjunction with the Odenton Small Area Plan Committee, participated in creation of the Odenton Town Center Master Plan, which formalized a new vision for the Town Center. The new plan was completed in 2003 and took into consideration the design recommendations of the 1999 Route 175 Streetscape and Roadway Improvement Plan, the ongoing Corps of Engineers Wetlands Permit Applications and several other documents. The plan contained several elements, including a refined vision for the core, formerly known as the “town center,” more detailed development controls, new design standards, and recommendations on zoning.

The 2009 update to the Odenton Town Center Master Plan (accomplished) three primary objectives. First, it (provided) some adjustments and clarification to some of the Plan provisions in order to facilitate implementation of the Plan. Second, it (included) revisions to some of the functional controls and design guidelines and standards (to) better accommodate current development proposals. Third, the 2009 update (formalized) a process that will help secure enhanced designs and developments through an established Bonus Program.

The Odenton Town Center Master Plan is currently being revised as required every 5 years, with expected adoption 1st Quarter 2015. Suggestions for changes should be submitted to the Odenton Town Plan Oversight Committee or to the Long Range Planning Division of Anne Arundel County's Office of Planning and Zoning.